Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm back!

Thanks everyone for the support it has helped so much. I am leaving tomorrow and will be going home! Eating is still a struggle but I continue to get better and better at walking and stuff like that. The evenings are getting really tough, but the staff here is great and they are helping me get through all the struggles! Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10:30am , Wednesday, April 6th

Hello everyone! Somer is getting stronger everyday. She had a rough night last night but is feeling better this morning. Somer had to have a test to check for any leakage where they attached her upper intestines to her esophagus. They shot some dye down the tube in her noise and watched it on an X-ray. It was pretty cool (for me anyway). The best part was that Somer PASSED the test!!!!!! Hallejuiah! We both cried for joy. Somer got the tube removed from her noise! A Major accomplishment!

Her reward was ICE CHIPS (although just a couple),and you all know Somer and her water!!!! She was so happy and so was I and now you'll can share her great moument.

She is feeling better today, and so far this is her best day!

We all love you and thank you for all your well wishes and prayers.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2:30 Tuesday, April 5

Sorry to leave you all hanging for so long. The storm yesturday knocked out the server at the hospital.

Somer has been making GREAT progress and getting stronger everyday! She has been up walking the halls and has made two rounds so far today.

Somer might be ready for some visitors as early as tomorrow. She is thinking of you all and sends her persoonal love to each and everyone of you!

I will see if she is up to sending a blog update my herself tonight.

Love and soul food to you all!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Somer did great through out the night. Today, she even got up at sat in a chair! Way to go Somer Sunshine. You are doing amazingly well. She is not ready for visiters yet, but is getting stronger every day. she asked me to tell everyone thank you and she is thinking of you all.

Friday, April 1, 2011

9:55 pm

Somer arrived in the room at 530 and so glad to lay eyes on this beautiful angel. She is a tough cookie during these rough first few hours. She is resting now and will need plenty of rest the next couple days. Please continue to send prayers and post on the blog as she cant have visitors for a few days. She feel your love and it gives her strength and peace. Good night.


Just meet with Dr. B. He was very pleased to report all went well. Somer is in recovery now and will be in her room by 5:00. A long day for her and us, but the good news was definitely worth the wait!

We are so grateful for all the prayers!!

Keep you all posted.


Twenty more minutes!!!!!Somer should be headed to recovery at 2:00. Six and a half total hours of Miracles. And Somer's favorite number is 6 (one more positive sign from God)
I will be seeing the Dr soon to.

Give thanks and Rejoice